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Chinese translation for "advancement of women"


Related Translations:
advancement:  n.1.前进;促进;进步,发达。2.升级;发迹;出头。3.预付;垫付。
advancement index:  衍进指数
institutional advancement:  结构改进
capsular advancement:  关节囊徙前术
sliding advancement:  滑动进刀
self advancement:  自己向上爬
y advancement:  v-y推进术
revolutionary advancement:  革命性进步
advancement flap:  前徙瓣
tendon advancement:  腱徙前术
Example Sentences:
1.United nations , division for the advancement of women on cedaw
联合国妇女协进部( divisionfortheadvancementofwomen )关于《消除妇女一切形式歧视公约》
2.United nations , division for the advancement of women ( daw ) on cedaw
联合国妇女协进部( divisionfortheadvancementofwomen )关于《消除妇女一切形式歧视公约》
3.The establishment of the women s commission is a milestone in efforts to promote the advancement of women in hong kong
4.It has developed a long - term vision and strategy for the development and advancement of women in hong kong
5.Advise the government on the development of a long term vision and strategies related to the development and advancement of women
6.Women in neuroscience ( win ) is an international organization promoting the advancement of women neuroscientists at all career levels
7.Women in neuroscience ( win ) is an international organization promoting the advancement of women neuroscientists at all career levels
8.Women in neuroscience ( win ) is an international organization promoting the advancement of women neuroscientists at all career levels
神经科学女性组织( win )是一个国际组织,致力推动各个职业层次女性神经科学家的进步。
9.Women in neuroscience ( win ) is an international organization promoting the advancement of women neuroscientists at all career levels
女性神经科学( win )是一个国际性组织,促进各专业水平的女性神经科学家的发展与进步。
10.Women in neuroscience ( win ) is an international organization promoting the advancement of women neuroscientists at all career levels
神经科学女性( win )是一个国际性组织,希望促使女性神经科学家在各个职级上皆能往前迈进。
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